oDesk CSS 2.0 Test Answers 2015

CSS 2.0 Test is the most important test for Website Designer. This url will help you to pass the oDesk CSS 2.0 test.

Question 1:
The following is a sample style:
What correction is required  in the above style?
a. The style definition should be enclosed in curly braces <=Answer
b. Multiple items within a style should be separated by “;” <=Answer
c. The style should not close with a semicolon
d. P should be followed by an equal-to sign

Question  2:
 Which style property can be used to display only some part of an image?

a. Snap
b. Clip
c. Scroll <=Answer
d. Visible
Question 3:
You want to display a list of items on your webpage using the <li> tag instead of bullets. You want each list element to be marked by a small graphic that you have created. Which style could you use?
a. List-style <=Answer
b. List-style-image <=Answer
c. List-style-marker
d. List-marker
e. List-style-graphic
f. List-bullet

Question 4:
 Which of the following is correct?
 a. Blockquote{text-padding:2em 4em 5em}
 b. Blockquote{padding-x:2em 4em 5em}
 c. Blockquote{padding-y:2em 4em 5em}
 d. Blockquote{padding:2em 4em 5em}  <=Answer

Question 5:
Which of the following is true for a class selector?
 a. It uses a hash as the separator symbol
 b. It applies the style to only the first element defined with that style
 c. It applies the style to only the last element defined with that style
 d. It applies the style to all the elements defined with that style <=Answer

Question  6:
 Which of the following is true for an ID selector?
 a. It uses a dot as the separator symbol
 b. It applies the style to only the first element defined with that selector  <=Answer
 c. It applies the style to only the last elements defined with that selector
 d. It applies the style to all the elements defined with that selector 

Question  7:
You developed a website using HTML and style sheets. You defined a style for the H4 tag within the head tag , in the imported style sheet and in-line. Which style definition will be used when the page is seen in a browser?
a. Default browser  H4 definition
b. External  style sheet definition
c. Inline style definition <=Answer
d. Style definition in the head tag

Question  8:
You have to display an image behind an absolutely position paragraph text. Which of the following will you see?
a. Set negative z-index for the image <=Answer
b. Set positive z-index for the image
c. Set negative x-index for the image
d. Set positive x-index for the image

Question 9:
 You are fetching customer names from a database. The names in the database are mostly in lowercase. What is the name of the text property which will facilitate capitalization of these names?

 a. Text-mode
 b. Text-transform <=Answer
 c. Text-decoration
 d. Text-shadow
 e. Text-case

Question 10:
The following is a style definition:
 How will you refer to this style in your web page?

  A. by using the class attribute in a td cell
  B. by using the id Attribute in a td cell <=Answer
  C. by using the class attribute in any html element which supports the class attribute
  D. by using the id attribute in any html element which support the id attribute

Question 11:
Which of the following is not a valid property of an aural style sheet?
 a. Cue
 b. Voice-family
 c. Load <=Answer
 d. Speak

Question 12:
You want to define the same media style for both print and screen media. Which of the following  is the correct structure for the style?
a. @media screen, print{ span.med{font-weight:bold}} <=Answer
b. media screen, print{ span.med{font-weight:bold}}
c. media screen  print{ span.med{font-weight:bold}}
d. #media screen, print{ span.med{font-weight:bold}}

Question 13:
You want to increase the space between the lines in all you paragraphs. What will you use?
 a. P{width:1cm}
 b. P{height: 1cm}
 c. P{line-height:1cm} <=Answer
 d. P{line-width:1cm}

Question 14:
Which of the following Statement is correct?
 a. When using css, positioning can be absolute, relative or dynamic
 b. The float Property for text/images can be left, right or center
 c. The values of visibility can be true or False
 d. The display Property sets how an element is displayed  <=Answer

Question 15:
The following is a style definition:
How will the refer to this style in your webpage?
a. By using the class attribute in a  td cell
b. By using the class attribute in any HTML element which supports the class attribute
c. By using the id attribute in any HTML element which supports the “id” attribute <=Answer

Question 16:
You have define a p tag style as follows:
   Font-variant: small-caps;
You want the above style to work only on the first line of the paragraph. What modification will you make to style definition?
a. P:first-only
b. P:first-line <=Answer
c. P.first-line
d. P:first

Question 17:
How will you display text as a superscript?
 a. Vertical-align: super  <=Answer
 b. Vertical-align: superscript
 c. Vertical-align : top

Question 18:
Which of the following is not a valid page break?
a. Page-break-inside
b. Page-break-outside <=Answer
c. Page-break-before
d. Page-break-after

Question 19:
Which of the following attribute can be used to supersede any of the contradictory style with equal weight?
c.!important <=Answer

Question 20:
Which of the following are correct values of the overflow property?
 a. Visible <=Answer
 b. Hidden <=Answer
 c. Scroll <=Answer
 d. Auto <=Answer
4 answers

Question 21:
Which of the following is not a pseudo class?
a. Link
b. Active
c. Lang
d. Ins <=Answer
Question 22:
The default value for the overflow property is:
 a. Scroll
 b. Visible <=Answer
 c. Hidden
 d. Auto

Question 23:
Which of the following does not apply to external styles?
 a. Clean separation of design & content
 b. Minimal code duplication
 c. Highest priority <=Answer
 d. Reduces page download time

Question 24:
Which of the following font properties deals with aspect value?
 a. Font-weight <=Answer
 b. Font-variant
 c. Font-size-adjust
 d. Font-size

Question 25:
Which of the following cursor types is not valid?
a. Wait
b. Pointer
c. Text
d. Image <=Answer

Question 26:
Is it possible to force a style definition in a linked style sheet to over-ride an in-line style definition?
a. Yes <=Answer
b. no

Question 27:
Which of the following is correct with regard to comments in a style sheet?
 a. Comments can appear outside the style definition only
 b. Comments start with//
 c. Comments end with */ <=Answer
 d. Comments are not permitted in a style sheet

Question 28:
Paged media differ from continuous media in that the content of the document is divided into one or more pages. When you set the dimensions, which of the following will be applied?

 a. The dimensions of the page area are the dimensions of the page box minus the margin area
 b. The dimensions of the page area are the dimensions of the page box plus the margin area
 c. The dimensions of the page area are the dimensions of the page box and margin area does not affect it.
 d. None of the above <=Answer

Question 29:
How will you link a style sheet named “ssa.css” in your web page?
a. <import name=”stylesheet” url=”ssa.css”>
b. <link rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” href=”ssa.css”> <=Answer
c. <style name=”stylesheet” url=”ssa.css”>

Question 30:
this question is based upon the figure shown
Text text text text
 A Text text
 Sentence text text
 Inside text text
 A text ext
 Text text text
 Text text
 Text text text text
 You have and article of 100 lines. If for instance, you want to describe the theme with a few lines inside the text highlighted separately as show in the image which of the following property will you use?

 a. Outline
 b. Display
 c. Float <=Answer
 d. Merge

Question 31:
You want to display a table whose cell borders are as per the following rules:
1. Left border should be double
2. Right border should be dashed
3. Top border should be dotted
4. Bottom border should be solid
Choose the correct style definition:
a. Border-style: double dotted dashed solid
b. Border-style: dotted dashed solid double <=Answer
c. Border-style: dashed  double dotted solid
d. Border-style: solid  double dotted dashed

Question 32:
Which of the following properties specifies the minimum number of lines of a paragraph that must be left at the bottom of a page?

 a. Orphans
 b. Widows
 c. Bottom
 d. Overflow
 e. None of the above<=Answer

Question 33:
The font “Time New Roman” has an aspect value of 0.46. what do you understand from this?
a. When font size is set to 46pt, the height of the letter ‘x’ will be 100pt <=Answer
b. When font size is set to 100pt, the height of the letter ‘x’ will be 46pt

Question 34:
Which of the following is not true for a style sheet?
 a. A style sheet defines how an html element will be displayed
 b. Internal and external style sheets can not be used together <=Answer
 c. Multiple style definitions will cascade into one
 d. The same style sheet can be used by many html pages

Question 35:
Which of the following are valid css text properties in CSS2.0?
a. Direction
b. Text-transform <=Answer
c. Text-indent  <=Answer
d. Text-height

Question 36:
Which style will always be over-ridden if you are using style definitions in the tag, linked style sheets using the tag and imported style sheets using the @import method, provided the same style is defined using each of these techniques.
a. The in-line style
b. The style definition in the tag <=Answer
c. The linked style sheet
d. The imported style sheet @import

Question 37:
You are designing a web site and need to set the background Image for all the web pages. You want a small background image to repeat and fill up the whole background. Which of the following body styles is ideal for this?
a.Body{background: url(/image/bd.gif);
           repeat: repeat-x;}
b. Body{background: url(/image/bd.gif);
          repeat: repeat-y;}
c. Body{background: url(/image/bd.gif);
           background -repeat: no-repeat;}
d. Body{background: url(/image/bd.gif);
          background - repeat: repeat;}  <=Answer
Question 38:
Which element property is required to define internal styles?
 a. Class
 b. Style  <=Answer
 c. span
 d. link

Question 39:
The following is a style definition:
Body{background: url(“banner.jpeg”) right top}
What is the percentage of the background-position
a.0%  0%
b.0%  100%
c.100%  0%  <=Answer
d.100%  100%

Question 40:
Which of the following is not a valid property of an aural style sheet?
 a. Cue
 b. Voice-family
 c. Load <=Answer
 d. Speak
e. All of the above are valid

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oDesk CSS 2.0 Test Answers 2015